Science, asked by sanapsachin48, 4 months ago

How will you separate sand and water from their mixture?


Answered by sharmakartik2356

Sand and water can be separated by any of the following two methods: (a) Sedimentation and decantation: Mixture is kept undisturbed for some time. After some time, sand being heavier and insoluble in water, settles down at the bottom of container. Now, water is poured into another container to separate it from sand.

Answered by anchal47

Seperation of a mixture of sand in water (suspension)

There are three ways to separate a suspension of sand in water

let us discuss these in detail, there will be two groups of processes obtaining the constituents:

A.) when there is surety of water being pure:

(I) We can separate sand and water by the process of evaporation.

We can do so by boiling the mixture of sand in water. Sand is a non-volatile substance thus it will not evaporate meanwhile the water will evaporate (change state from liquid to gas) when the temperature reaches 100°C. In this process we obtain sand as a residue but the water is lost

(II) We can also separate it by the process of Distillation.

We can obtain both pure water and sand by this process, the mixture is kept on a burner in a container which has a condenser attached on the top of it. When water vapour reaches the condenser, it condenses back to water and drops in another container. The condenser has cold 'Glass beads' that allow this to happen.

B.) When the water obtained is often partially pure/impure:

we can separate sand in water by a third process called sedimentation and decantation.

(This one is the easiest out of them without the risk of burning, you can try at home)

All we need to do for this process is to let the suspension of sand in water sit for a while. The sand being heavier goes to the bottom, this is the first part called 'sedimentation'.

Then the water is gently poured into another container. This is known as 'decantation'. Note that the pouring should be gentle enough that sand does not leave with water (in major quantities, we can do first two processes if we want 100% pure water). But the cons of this process are that the water can be impure most often, in a few cases water in pure but some water is always left behind with the sand nontheless.





Happy to help

love yourself ❣️

Stan BTS

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