English, asked by rafaelhamzakhan, 2 months ago

5. If we had to give the poem another title, what would you suggest? (Think carefully about the message in the poem


Answered by killerlegend974


ज निम्नलिखितवाक्यानि द्विवचने परिवर्तयत। (निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को द्विवचन में बदलिए। एकवचनम् सा भोजनम् खादति। (क) सः पत्रम् अलिखत्। (ख) एषः लगुडेन ताडयेत्। (ग) सः बालकेन सह गच्छतु। (घ) सा छात्राय पुस्तकम् अयच्छत्। (ङ) वने सिंहः वसति। (च) लतायाम् पुष्पम् आसीत्। (छ) छात्रः पाठ स्मरिष्यति। (ज) सा बालिका पुस्तकम् अपठत्। (झ) सः सुन्दरः अश्वः अस्ति। (ब) एतत् आम्रम् खादतु।

Answered by xllXDecentMortalXllx


Least concern. The toco toucan, the largest and best-known toucan species, is at home in South America's tropical forests. Its oversized, colorful bill has made it one of the world's most popular birds: They're familiar commercial mascots, known for hawking stout, cereal, and other products.

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