_/5 का मान शुद्ध दो दशमलव अंकों तक निकालें।
Step-by-step explanation:
Given we need to find the value of √5 (square root 5) up to two decimal places.
So we have
First find the greatest number so that the square is less than or equal to the numbers in the first section.
So in this way by completing the division process and also repeat the process until t remainder is zero.
We need to find the square root of 5 to two decimal places. So
2 5
2 4
42 100
2 84
443 1600
So we get 2.23
So the square root of 5 up to two decimal places will be 2.23
Reference link will be
Step-by-step explanation:
5 ka man shudh do dashamlav anko Tak nikale