Environmental Sciences, asked by AeMrit9ama2njans, 1 year ago

5 lines on Indian robin


Answered by rahulragini
The Indian Robin, whose biological name is Saxicolides fulicatus or Copsychus fulicatus, is widely found in the South Asian countries of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The males of the northern populations have a brown back; as one moves to the south, the brown colour reduces until it becomes entirely black in the southern populations. They are low-flying birds found running along or hopping around on the ground. These birds are found in open scrub areas, quite often perching on shrubs. All species of the Indian Robin are non-migratory. They are not shy of human populations and, hence, can often be seen to be perched on roof tops. Quite unlike many other species of the animal kingdom, felling of trees and collection of firewood appears to benefit them.
Answered by rabindran341


Indian Robin is the national bird of unit state Kingdom Indian Robin match with twings roots wool hair and cotton wool kinds of peace of wires and wires of cloth kind of cloth with small piece of streaks to make his house


please make me brilliant

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