Hindi, asked by omkar1666, 7 months ago

5. मौसी ने जुम्मन से महीने का खर्च क्यों माँगा?​


Answered by evievil


Answer :

A body is taken 32 km above the surface of the earth

Percentage decrease in weight of the body = ?

Radius of earth = 6400 km


\begin{gathered}\sf :\implies g' = g\bigg\lgroup 1 + \dfrac{h}{R}\bigg\rgroup{}^{-2}\;\; -eq(1)\\\end{gathered}

\qquad\quad\dag\:\small\sf \dfrac{h}{R} < < 1

\sf :\implies \bigg\lgroup 1 + \dfrac{h}{R}\bigg\rgroup{}^{-2} = 1 - \dfrac{2h}{R}

\begin{gathered}\sf :\implies (1+x)^{-2} = 1 - 2x \;\; x < < 1\\\end{gathered}

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