5. Malathlon, Pardon, Tou, I w
Answer the following questions.
1. What is chemistry?
12. What does chemistry deal with?
3. Write a short note on Development of Chemistry.
4. Write any two important fertilizers used in India.
5. What are pesticides? Give two examples of pesticides.
6. What is a synthetic fibre? Name any two synthetic fibres.
7. Give three examples of fungicides.
please tell me answers of number 4
Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is a natural science that covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds composed of atoms, molecules and ions:
Question -What is chemistry ?
Answer - Chemistry is the branch of science that deal with the properties composition and structure of elements and compounds how they can change and energy that is released or absorbed when they change
Question -What are pesticides!? give two example
Answer - pesticide products contain at least one active ingredient and other intentionally added inert ingredients Inerts are chemical compounds and other substance including common food commodities (example -oils , spices ) and some natural materials (example -beeswax,cellulose )