5 Marks
4. Describe the exploitation of the indigo sharecroppers
by the English landlords. Did Gandhi help them to get an
honourable settlement?
(HS 2013, 2017)
ANS: The English landlords in Champaran compelled all
sharecroppers to plant 15% of their holdings with indigo. They
had to surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent to the landlords.
This was done by a long-term contract. Then Germany developed
synthe..c indigo. The planta..on of natural indigo was no more a
profitable business for English landlords. They decided to free the
Indian sharecroppers from 15% contract. They were to pay
compensation for this freedom. The peasants saw through the trick
and fraud of the landlords. Therefore, they refused to pay the
compensation. Those who had signed the agreement demanded
their money back. Gandhi went to Bihar to take up the cause
of poor peasants. There was a huge demonstra..on of thousands
of peasants the very next day. The government was baffled. A
commission of inquiry was constituted. Gandhi was the sole
representative of the peasants. The landlords decided to refund
the money to the peasants. At last, they settled for 25%. The
amount of refund was less important. The more important thing
was the victory of the peasants and the victory of the Civil
Disobedience in India.
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