5 mint speech on fit india
Fit India Movement: Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement on the occasion of National Sports day at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium in New Delhi. The Prime Minister said, "Only a fit person, fit family and a fit society will pave way for a great and new India."The Fit India Movement aims to encourage Indians to include fitness activities and sports in their daily lives to pave way for a healthy and fit lifestyle. The Prime Minister during his speech on Fit India said that fitness is not just a word but a way to lead a healthy life. The Prime Minister said that on this a great sportsperson was born, Major Dhyan Chand and he surprised the world with his fitness, stamina, and hockey stick"
The Prime Minister observed that the root cause of most lifestyle diseases are lifestyle disorders and there are many diseases that can be overcome by making small changes in our lifestyle. PM Modi stated that lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension are increasing in India. Hence, the Prime Minister said that Fit India should be seen as a household movement, a daily routine. PM Modi stated that a nation will only become fit when each citizen becomes fit.
"There is zero investment in Fit India movement, returns unlimited," says Prime Minister. PM Modi said that the Fit India Movement should reach each and every corner of the country. The PM said that all Union Ministries should ensure that the Fit India movement reaches every village, panchayat and school. The movement is not just central government's but of all state governments, panchayats and local bodies. Modi further said that fitness should be seen as a celebration, it should be taken up as a part of our daily life and family life.