Social Sciences, asked by bombmymail, 11 months ago

5. Name the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India.
Answer the following questions,​


Answered by pattseheadshot2007


1. Adoption of high-yielding varieties of seeds:

The use of high-yielding varieties of seeds since 1966 has resulted in substantial increase in food grain production. The cause of break­through in the production of wheat and rice has been attributed to magic seeds and certified seeds adopted by the agriculturists.


The role of National Seeds Corporation, State Seeds Corporation and Agricultural Universities in distributing these seeds to the farmers, indeed, has been commendable.

2. Supply of chemical fertilizers:

Besides high-yielding varieties of seeds, chemical fertilizer is the other input which is responsible for making the green revolution a signal success. In fact, the latest agricultural technology is referred to as the seed and fertilizer technology.

The demand for fertilizers has been increasing after green revolution. The total amount of fertilizers used in 1960-61 was 292 thousand tonnes (nutrients). In 2001- 02, the total consumption of fertilizers was 17400 thousand tonnes (nutrients).

3. Expansion of irrigation facilities:



The role of irrigation facilities in bringing about the green revolution cannot be gainsaid. Sir Charles Trevelgan rightly observed, “Irrigation is everything in India. Water is more valuable than land, because when water is applied to land it increases its productiveness at least six-fold and renders great extent of land productive, which otherwise, would produce nothing or next to nothing.”

According to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the production of irrigated crops is on an average 50 to 100 per cent higher than that of unirrigated crops in the same locality.

Extension of irrigation facilities in the form of major and medium projects, minor irrigation projects like wells and tube wells has led to the adoption of multiple cropping pattern, introduction of modern farm technology and protection of the crops from drought. All these factors result in spectacular increase in agricultural production. Further, many economists consider irrigation as an important factor for providing employment opportunities to the ruralites.”

4. Use of machinery:

Economists like Bergmann hold the view that despite its adverse effect on overall employment, the role of machinery in accelerating the growth of green revolution is, indeed, great. The use of modern agricultural tools and implements like tractors, harvestors, threshers, pump sets sprayers etc. has led to progressive agriculture. As a consequence of the use of machinery, there has been substantial increase in the area under assured irrigation, multiple cropping and increase in agricultural productivity.

5. Provision of agricultural credit:



Credit is another necessary input to increase agricultural productivity. Co-operative credit institutions such as Primary Co-operative Societies, Central Co-operative Banks and State Co-operative Banks for short- term credit and Land Development Banks for long-term credit have been set up throughout the country in quite large numbers. Besides this, Regional Rural Banks, commercial banks like State Bank of India and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development have also helped the farmers to grow more output.

6. Soil conservation:

Soil conservation is another significant cause of green revolution. Various soil conservation schemes have led to the conservation of soil fertility and thereby contributed to increased output.

7. Development of infrastructure:

Green revolution in the Indian context has attained considerable success. It is mostly because infrastructural facilities in the form of transport and communication, regulated markets, storage and warehousing, agricultural education and training etc. have enabled the farmers to take recourse to the modern art of cultivation.

8. Multiple cropping programmes:

The multiple cropping programmes aims at increasing the cropping intensity of land. Further, it is instrumental in increasing agricultural production.

9. Incentive prices:



The incentive price policy of the government has induced the agriculturists to grow more. Besides fixing remunerative prices for agricultural crops, the government has also been subsiding the purchase of various agricultural inputs used by the farmers.

10. Land reforms:

The adoption of land reform measures in the form of abolition of intermediaries, security of tenure, consolidation of holdings, ownership right on the tenants, regulation of rent, ceiling on land holdings and co-operative farming goes a long way in increasing agricultural productivity.

11. Development programmes for small and marginal farmers:

So far as District Rural Development Agency is concerned, special attention has been given to the problems of small and marginal farmers. They are being provided with loans at subsidised rates. As a result they can adopt NAT without any difficulty.

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