English, asked by sachintiwari5346, 6 months ago

5 Page easy writing about farmer suicide


Answered by Prosnipzz


There are a lot of reasons as to why farmer suicides happen in our country. All these reasons come together to make this worrying issue prevalent. One of the main reasons is droughts. When the crops do not get sufficient rainfall they do not yield much produce. This, in turn, poses as a great loss to the farmers as their money gets wasted and they go in debt. Areas that have frequent droughts have higher cases of farmer suicides.

Similarly, floods are also as dangerous as droughts. The crops of the farmers erode away and they do not get any product from those crops. Furthermore, the high debt which the farmers have to pay for the land is another major factor.

As they take heavy loans for growing crops and fail to do so, they kill themselves as they do not have money to pay their debt back. In addition, family pressure is too high for farmers. They fail to make ends meet and thus commit suicide because of this failure.

Moreover, capitalization is a very big reason for farmer suicides. Nowadays, people most favor privatization and capitalization. These big firms capitalize on the crops and sell them using marketing strategies.

People do not prefer going to a farmer’s market but rather to a supermarket or mall for their vegetables and food. This causes a loss to these farmers moreover these capitalist agencies buy the farmer’s produce at lower rates and they go in loss.

Answered by baljitkaurbhatti43

can't write 5 pages here but can give some headings

introduction_common in India_debt _ money double with intrest s _reason _farmer can't decide price of his own crop_investment is more than profit_depends on climate_more hard work lesser results_taxes _electronic bills_more needs_future not secure_children education_many families have single earner_at last hope lost_and suicide .

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