Physics, asked by lakshaydhingra20, 8 months ago

5. Predict the atomic number and name of the element from the following quantum numbers
N=3,1=2, m =0,S = -1/2​


Answered by Shubhendu8898

Answer: Z = 28 , Nickel


\text{Principal Quanum Number}=n\\\;\\\text{Angular Momentum Quantum No.}=l\\\;\\\text{Magnetic Quantum Number}=m\\\;\\\text{Spin Quantum Number}=s

Filling of n:-

n represents shell number  i.e. given as 1,2,3,4...........

Here  n = 3

So the location of electron is in 3rd-shell

Filling of l:-

For s - subshell , l = 0

For p - subshell , l = 1

For d - subshell , l = 2

For f - subshell ,  l = 3

Here l = 2

So the location of electron is in d-subshell

Filling of m:-

m depends on l. It shows in which orbital electron is located. The number of orbital given from -l to +l

For d - subshell We have 5 orbital i.e.   for which values of m given as -2, -1 , 0 and +1, +2 respectively.

Orbital get filled in respectiver order.

Here m = -0

So there are 8 electrons in 3d-shell.

Filling of s:-

It show the spin of electron that may be either (Clockwise)upward or (Anticlockwise)downward in  sign for which values of s is given as +1/2 and -1/2 respectively .

Here s = -1/2

The spin of 3d⁸ electron is Downward.

Thus electronic configuration of this element may be,

1s² , 2s² , 2p⁶ , 3s² , 3p⁶ , 4s² , 3d⁸

Total number of electron = 28

Z = 28 , which represents Nickel.

Answered by PoojaBurra

Given :



          m =0

          S = -1/2​

To find :

The atomic number of the element

Explanation :

  • For an atom n represents the number of electrons in its valency shell. Here the value of N is 3 which implies the number of electrons in its outermost shell most shell is 3
  • For an atom l represents the subshell in which it is present.The atom should be present in d subshell if l=2
  • For an atom the value of m depends on l and m represents in which orbital electron is located.The value of m is 0  which implies there are 8 electrons in 3d shell
  • For an atom S represents  the spin of an electron.1/2 for clockwise and -1/2 for anti-clockwise direction.The atom revolves in anti-clockwise direction

The name of the element is Nickel

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