5 question with answer about abstractionism thankyou po
4/27/2015 8:57:20 PM
I did this drawing last week. My reference was a photograph I took of Charles Reid. Charles was looking around for something he might be interested in painting. Artists squint when they want to better see shapes and values. I am calling the painting "The Artist's Eye". It is pencil on paper, and measures 11"x14".I'm planning to do a lot more drawing this summer, in order to improve my drawing skills. I don't use a grid, or any drawing aid, other than my own eyesight. There was a time when I sketched constantly, but lately, I have been letting that very important skill get a little rusty.
Honey has a hearing deficiency and, as a result, we often get our signals crossed. The other day, I asked him to hand me a tissue and he thought I said t-shirt. He wanted to know which t-shirt I wanted, and I wondered why he was asking about a t-shirt. Happens all the time.
A lot of things in life are misunderstood, even for those with full hearing and sight. Art, especially abstract art, is often misunderstood. To find something recognizable isn’t the purpose of abstract art. Instead, the viewer has a direct emotional connection with the art. There is no right or wrong answer because the answer is within themselves.
Here, I have listed five questions you can ask yourself in order to gain a better understanding of abstract art:
Is there a distinct mood? To detect the mood of an abstract painting, look at the colors, shapes, lines, textures, but particularly the colors. For example, red could express passion, yellow is cheerful, blue would be peaceful. Horizontal shapes are peaceful, diagonal shapes show action and vertical shapes are statuesque. Let the art do the talking.
Does it make you think about anything? Abstract art is a blending of art and logic that forces humans to enter and feel. Kazimir Malevich’s monochrome painting “Black Square on White Field” comes to mind. When I look at the painting, I see the “white field” as something to grab onto before being sucked into the “black” infinity. My thoughts go whirling and speeding into a world that is different and a little scary.
Does anything jump out at you? People often feel confusion when they don’t see objects they can recognize. They are used to having the meaning of an artwork described for them with familiar things. Abstract art has a deep meaning without objects, the viewer just has to search for essence. Look at the work, relax, take your time and absorb. Let the meaning come out.
How does it make you feel? A good abstract will capture you and pull you in, it will create a strong emotional response and you’ll be forced to explore all its nuances. You don't have to know what it is about in order to feel deeply about it. Abstract art is meant to be felt.
What did the artist say about the piece? Knowing the background of the artist, why and when they created the work can help in understanding what the piece means. But, don’t read so much it takes away your appreciation of the art.
Abstract art is an experience that is meant to be felt, it gives you the power to savor your own meaning to an art piece. You may have multiple and confusing emotions and if you don’t like one work, just go on until you find one that communicates with you.
Of all the arts, abstract painting is the most difficult. It demands that you know how to draw well, that you have a heightened sensitivity for composition and for color, and that you be a true poet. This last is essential