5. Rearrange the following in
chronological order.
a) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
b) Ahmadabad Mill Strike
c) Second Round Table Conference
d) Non-cooperation Movement
Answered by
The correct chronological order is:
Ahmadabad mill strike in 1918
Jallianwala bagh massacre in 1919
Non-cooperation movement in 1920
Second round table conference in 1931
- Ahmadabad mill strike is the first demonstration of protest against the British which made Gandhi to intervene in the dispute that arose between the Cotton mill owners of Ahmedabad and the workers who claimed for the hike in wages due to the inflation caused by the World War II.
- British troops opened gunfire on the large crowd of civilians who were innocent and they were killed in Jallianwala Bagh.
- Non co-operation movement was propelled by Mahatma Gandhi which signified the importance of Swarajya and people stopped to cooperate to the policies enacted by the British.
- Gandhi insisted various demands to British in second round table session but to his dismay those were rejected.
Know more about the movements and massacres:
Explain non cooperation movement
What is meant by jallianwala bagh massacre
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