5) Rewrite the given simple sentences as complex sentences 2
With noun clause:
a) Do something now. Everything depends on it.
b) He was saying something about his troubles. I listened to him.
dialogues given below 3
डूब कुएँ में मरी एक दिन।
खैर, पैर की जूती, जोरू,
न सही एक, दूसरी आती,
पर जवान लडके की सुध कर
साँप लोटते, फटती छाती।
(क) किसान की बहू को 'लछमी थी, यद्यपि पति घातिन' क्यों कहा गया है ?
(ख) इस कविता में मारी के प्रति व्यक्त विचारों पर टिप्पणी लिखिए-
(ग) काव्यांश में प्रयुक्त दोनो मुहावरों का वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए-
c) Alliteration and simile
d) Simile and metaphor
iii.Meowch! cried Ink, and ooh! cried Belinda shows thata) They were scared
b) They were brave
c) They were hurt
d) They were hungry
iv.Whatisthe piratelikelytosaytothe pets?
a) ‘go and hide’
b)“Don’t hide”
v. It was clear thatthe average of tne couple was 24 years when the child was born. after how many years since the birth of the average age of the family will be 24 years