5 sentences about land transport
1 Takes place on land using , trucks , buses trains , cars , etc.
2 Commonly preferred for small distances.
3 Vehicles run on diesel petrol CNG.
4 Commonly preferred form of public transport.
5 Generally cheap for small distances.
5 sentences about land transport
1. Land transport is the transport or movement of people, animals or goods from one location to another location on land. The two main forms of land transport can be considered to be rail transport and road transport.
2. Connecting different cities and towns and even villages, roads serve a very important means for vehicles and people to travel from one place to another. Among the most common examples of land transport through roads are buses, trucks, motorcycles, rickshaws, and scooters.
3. The first vehicles that propelled themselves were already invented in the 18th century. They were powered by steam. The first car was invented in 1769, by French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot.