5 strategies u can employ to ensure thats as a student u will not drop out of university prematurely
There are many reasons that students drop out of university prematurely. Millions of students around the world often enroll and drop out of university. To address this situation we are going to look at 5 streategies that can be implemented to ensure that students are not likely to drop out.
Money is one of the critical factors that determines whether a person can access university education or not. Granted, college or univeristy education is not cheap. Parents and students alike incur huge debts after paying for university enrollment. Many parents and students become fiancially strapped for many years.
In order to remedy this, the government often offers subsidies, bursaries and grants to needy students. Some companies also offer scholarships to bright needy students.
To ensure that students do not drop out, I would encourage them to take student loans and bursaries.An alternative would be to apply for full scholarships.
Work-study programs are also a viable option for needy students. I would implements a work-study program to enable students to pay for their fees and upkeep.
2. Pregnancy
Many female students often drop out of university due to pregancy. They often go back home to give birth and raise their children. Many often never go back to complete their studies.
In order to remedy this unfortunate situation, I would encourage the affected students to seek guidance and counselling. I would also ensourage them to use contraception if they can not abstain from sexual intercourse.
3. Drugs
Millions of students are caught up in this vice. Students in coleges and universities are prone to experimenting with different drugs due to peer influence.
In order to remedy this, I would encourage the students to seek guidance and counselling. If the addcitions are severe, the students should be treated in rehabilitation centers.
4. Social Life
Due to the pressure on the students to perform, their social lives are negatively impacted. Many drop out because they are bored by constantly reading and sitting for numerous examinations.
In order to remedy this situation, I would encourage students to join social clubs and groups such as debate clubs, book club, drama clubs, and Red cross. These clubs offer students an opporunity to meet and interact with other students. The camaraderie is often a great stress reliever.
I would also encourage students to go on trips and hikes to rejuvenate and revitalize their minds.
5. Work/Business/Employment
Many students often engage in some sort of business or work. They often drop out because they can not balance work or business with their studies.
I would encourage these students to first complete their education before seeking gainful employment. Parents should also support their children fiancially to ensure that students focus on their studies.
In order to not drop out of university prematurely here are five steps you can follow.
Firstly, choose a subject that you genuinely like so that you stay interested in it.
Secondly, make a plan for your finances so that you don't suffer from money problems.
Thirdly, consult your family and talk to them about your issues.
Fourthly, talk to your professors and teachers so that they can guide you.
Fifthly, focus on time management.