English, asked by sasmitabehera362, 8 months ago

5. What follows immediately after this?
(a)The speaker left the kitchen hurriedly.
(b)the speaker had to drink the milk.
(c)The speaker left the milk in the kitchen.
(d)Paati screamed at the speaker.
6. One word that can replace 'hard' in the above li


Answered by kajalagarwal10


Whizzing                                                 move quickly through the air

Howled                                                    cried, screamed

Grunted                                                   groan

To go off                                                  weaken

Track                                                        path

Derailing                                                 cause to run off tracks

Glided                                                      moved along smoothly

Veshti                                                       dhoti (in Tamil)

Stumbled                                                 followed haltingly

Crept                                                        past and past participle of creep which means moving slowly

Jutting out                                              extending out

Glazed                                                      shining

Tuft                                                           a bunch or collection of something

Glean                                                        shine brightly

Beringed                                                  the music-master was wearing a ring

Effortlessly                                              without making any effort

Wail                                                          cry, scream

Chatting                                                   talking

Snooze                                                      short sleep

Kept my body and Soul together        managed to stay alive

Fed up                                                      tired and unhappy

Leaned                                                     be in or moving into a sloping position

Gaze                                                          look steadily

Choke                                                       overwhelm and make someone speechless with emotion

Generosity                                              the quality of being kind and generous

Feeble                                                      lacking physical strength

Rumble                                                    make a continuous deep sound

Withered                                                 become dry

Apparently                                              clearly

Alms                                                         beg

Wail                                                          pain

Booming out                                           resonant sound

Betel leaf                                                  piper leaf

Chew                                                         cud

Stained                                                     smudge

Wearily                                                     tired

Blisters                                                     boils/bubbles on skin, from burns or rubbing

Shabby                                                     in poor condition

Sturdy                                                      strongly built

Whisper                                                   to speak very softly

Nodded                                                    to move head up and down to show agreement with something

Beamed                                                   smiled

Gleaming                                                shining

Odd-looking                                           shabby

Glanced                                                   to see

Scurried around                                    to move in hurry

Lurking                                                   waiting quietly (without attracting attention)

Groan                                                      to make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair

Brashly                                                    cheekily or smartly

Curiously                                                strangely

Pleasant                                                  enjoyable, lovely

Shiver                                                      shake, tremble

Sores                                                        painful, tender

Snapped                                                  break

Hardly worn                                           not worn

Unappreciative                                      disapproving

Flung                                                        past and past participle of fling which means to throw forcefully

Dropping                                                 to put down

Muttering                                                speak softly, to murmur

Vanished                                                 misplaced

Upsetting                                                hurtful, shocking

Vendor                                                    salesperson, merchant

Catch sight of                                        behold

Clattered off                                          gone off noisily (with the noise or clatter of (chappals)

Incarnate                                               come to life, in person

Stiff                                                         hard, rigid, firm

Flashed                                                  shining

NCERT Solutions

Comprehension Checks


What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?

Ans. Meena shares the secret of the kitten that they have found in front of their house and have kept in their backyard.

How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?

Ans. Ravi brings milk from the kitchen saying that he was feeling hungry. He even drinks most of it to prove Paati that he was indeed hungry.

He then brings the tumbler in the backyard and empties it in the coconut shell.

Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?

Ans. Ravi said that the kitten’s ancestors were the lion of the Pallava kings, the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat which has the emblem of the Pallava dynasty. No I don’t believe his story.

Ravi has a lot to say about MP Poonai. This shows that

(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu.

(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.

(iii) he has a rich imagination.

(iv) he is an intelligent child.

Which of these statements do you agree/disagree to?

Ans. Ravi has a lot to say about MP Poonai. This shows that his knowledge of history is sound, he has a rich imagination and he is an intelligent child.

What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?

Ans. It was the sound coming out of Lalli’s violin that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran.


The music master is making lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in the text that expresses the idea.

Ans. The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the visible tracks of the melody.

Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans. No, the beggar has been coming to Rukku Manni’s house for last one week. The beggar himself confirms this saying that he has survived for a week because of Rukku Manni’s kindness.

“A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggests to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?

Ans. The V-shaped line suggests that Rukku Manni was very angry and was about to lose her temper on the children.

Working with the Text

(NCERT Pages 29 and 30)

Complete the following sentences.

(i) Ravi compares Lalli’s

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