5.What is nuclear dimorphism? In which protists they are found?What is
their importance?
Nuclear dimorphism is a phenomenon in which there are two types of nucleus in the cell. The lower organisms like Paramoecium shows this property of having two different type of nucleus. The smaller nucleus is known as the micronucleus which is involved in the reproductive processes. The larger nucleus is known as the macronucleus involved in the regulation and control of metabolism ..
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Nuclear dimorphism observed in some foraminifera that have two different types of nuclei: the somatic type serving a mainly metabolic function and the generative type having mainly a reproductive function.
Nuclear dimorphism is the phenomenon of having two different types of nuclei in the same cell. This feature is mainly observed in protozoan ciliates. Paramecium
The compositions of the nuclear pore complexes help determine the properties of the macronucleus and micronucleus. Nuclear dimorphism is subject to complex epigenetic controls. Nuclear dimorphism is continuously being studied to understand exactly how the mechanism works and how it is beneficial to cells.