Social Sciences, asked by sidharthsankarmahaku, 3 months ago

5. What is periodic change?


Answered by jiya9797

periodic changes are the changes that tend to repeat or reoccur at the same interval of time periodically. There are infinite examples of a periodic change like a simple pendulum, the change in the position of a simple pendulum can be periodic and sometimes it can also be categorized as cyclic change.

Answered by Gayatrishende1234

Periodic chɑnges ɑre chɑnges thɑt occur periodicɑlly ɑt regulɑr intervɑls ɑnd non-periodic chɑnges ɑre chɑnges thɑt do not occur periodicɑlly ɑt regulɑr intervɑls.

Hope it helps you !!

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