Science, asked by machhinimesh007, 9 months ago

5) Which lubrication system employs oil holes in the
machines? | कौन सी स्नेहन प्रणाली मशीनों में तेल छेद को रोजगार?
A ) Gravity feed system | गुरुत्वाकर्षण फ़ीड प्रणाली
B) Force feed system | सेना फ़ीड प्रणाली
C) Splash feed system | स्पलैश फ़ीड प्रणाली
D) Velocity feed system | वेग फ़ीड प्रणाली​


Answered by Anonymous


An automatic lubrication system (ALS), often referred to as a centralized lubrication system, is a system that delivers controlled amounts of lubricant to multiple locations on a machine while the machine is operating. Even though these systems are usually fully automated, a system that requires a manual pump or button activation is still identified as a centralized lubrication system. The system can be classified into two different categories that can share a lot of the same components

Answered by rihuu95


The correct option to the que -" Which lubrication system employs oil holes in themachines? is-


Lubrication system which employs oil holes in the machine-

Splash Lubricant Splashes lubrication is the use of engine work when some rotating parts (mainly the crankshaft and camshaft) when spinning or spraying on a large part of the oil orifice spray oil and oil mist, the friction surface is lubricated in a route.


Engines using splash lubrication require neither an oil pump nor an oil filter. Splash lubrication is an ancient system whereby the scoops on the large ends of the connecting rods dip into the oil sump and cylinders upwards towards the lubricant splash, creating an oil mist in which the droplets settle.

The oil droplets then travel through the drilling to the bearings thus lubricating the moving parts. Provided that the bearing is ball bearing or roller bearing, splash lubrication shall generally be sufficient; However, plain bearings typically require a pressure feed to maintain the oil film, the loss of which leads to overheating and seizure.


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