Biology, asked by fathimasaheedha, 1 month ago

5. Which one of the following statement is correct regarding vernalization :
1) It is a process of shortening vegetative phase
2) The site of vernalization is meristematic cells
3) Vernalization treatment can be overcome by the application of Gibberellins
4) All are correct​


Answered by dhruvsolanki545


This is the correct answer buddy please thanks


2) The site of vernalization is meristematic cells

Answered by priyarksynergy

4- All options are correct.


  • Vernalization is the act of inducing a plant's flowering phase by exposing it to cold for an extended length of time.
  • It is accompanied by a reduction in the length of the juvenile or vegetative phase and an acceleration of the flowering phase.
  • The apical meristem, or all meristematic cells, such as the shoot tip, embryo tips, root apex, and so on, is the site of vernalization. Vernalization necessitates a low temperature. Vernalisation results in the production of vernalin, a flowering hormone.
  • Many biennials can be persuaded to behave like annuals by exogenous injection of plant hormones such gibberellins, and they no longer require the natural freezing treatment for flowering.
  • As a result, all of the statements are correct.
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