English, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

5 word meaning give now​


Answered by themysteriob


satisfaction:fulfilling needs

energy:strength to do physical things


devasteted:destroy or ruin

hate:Intense dislike

Answered by Anonymous


✎ Write down any five words along with their meaning.


☞︎︎︎ Let's learn 5 philes along with their meanings today.

A Phile is used to denote a person who loves or has a fondness for a specified thing. 'Phile’ comes from the ancient Greek word, ‘phileeinmeaning 'to love.'

Listed below are five philes. I hope it'll be helpful.

  • Anthophile: a lover of flower; someone who appreciates flowers.
  • Francophile - one who loves France or the French.
  • Japanophilia- love or admiration for Japan or the Japanese.
  • Topophilia - great love or affection for a particular place.
  • Zoophilia - loving or caring for animals; bestiality.


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