5. Write HTML program to display the given output:
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Write program here
Displaying output - HTML
Before we start displaying the given output, let's first know about HTML.
HTML is the hypertext markup language, it is the standard markup language, it is used for creating web pages, it's consist of a series elements. HTML elements tell the browser, how to display the content.
Here, we will use <p> tag to display 'Lucknow Public School'. <p> tag is used for paragraph, it defines the paragraph of the HTML document.
The Cօde
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My School</title>
<p>Lucknow Public School</p>
<p>Lucknow Public School</p>
<p>Lucknow Public School</p>
<p>Lucknow Public School</p>
<p>Lucknow Public School</p>
The Output
The output of the given program will be as follows:
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Lucknow Public School
Answer -
<title> My school </title>
<h1> Lucknow Public School </h1>
<h2> Lucknow Public School </h2>
<h3> Lucknow Public School </h3>
<h4> Lucknow Public School </h4>
<h5> Lucknow Public School </h5>