English, asked by AMIT8087, 1 year ago

50-80 words speech on say no to plastic and easy


Answered by sushiladevi4418


Speech on say no to plastic.


Good morning everyone. I am going to express my views on ‘Say No To Plastic’. Who had thought plastic would one day become such an unmanageable problem for the entire world? Plastic is problematic! Its use in almost everything has led to such humongous piles of indecomposable waste matter that it has created a real hell of debris on land and in water. The water bodies and the aquatic flora and fauna have been affected the most.

Polybags have been causing terrorism in our environment. It has become popular due to its easy availability, cheapness, waterproof and non-teasing nature. But polythene cannot be decomposed and so it has become a gradual threat to the environment and human civilization as well. Polythene or polybags have harmed us a lot so far. Waterlogging during the rains have become a common issue now a day, aquatic lives are in endanger due to the side effects of polythene. It has harmed us in many other ways. So the time has arrived to say no to polybags. Banning polybags cannot be a bigger issue than the effects caused by the use of polybags. Human beings are called the most advanced animal in this world. Thus the lives of such advanced animals cannot be dependent on such a small thing.

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