English, asked by yashsinghrajput22, 7 months ago

50 Antonyms words that may be come in NDA 2020 ​


Answered by Janukrishna



Prudence (noun) : सावधानी

Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness

Synonyms: wisdom, judgment

Antonyms: folly, recklessness

Petulant (adjective) : धृष्टतापूर्ण

Meaning: easily angered or annoyed, esp. in a rude way

Synonyms: impatient, fractious

Antonyms: agreeable, patient

Complaisant (adjective) : मेहरबान

Meaning: willing to satisfy others by being polite and fitting in with their plans

Synonyms: amiable, polite

Antonyms: discontented, antagonistic

Relent (verb) : तरस खाना

Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control)

Synonyms: concede, give in

Antonyms: combat, confront

Pogrom (noun) : तबाही

Meaning: massacre, mass murder.

Synonyms: holocaust, slaughter

Antonyms: relief, rescue

Amicable (adjective) : विनम्र

Meaning: characterized by friendliness and absence of discord

Synonyms: cordial, civil

Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

Purloin (verb) : चुराना

Meaning: steal (something)

Synonyms: loot, pilfer

Antonyms: bestow, contribute

Transient (adjective) : क्षणिक

Meaning: lasting for only a short time; temporary

Synonyms: temporary, short- lived

Antonyms: permanent, forever

Invigorate (verb) : उत्तेजित करना

Meaning: to give new energy or strength to someone or something

Synonyms: boost, stimulate

Antonyms: discourage, dissuade

Egalitarian (noun) : समानाधिकारवादी

Meaning: one who advocates or practices social equality

Synonyms: democrat, leveler

Antonyms: snob, snoot

Top 5 Sets of English Antonyms & Synonyms words for NDA Written Examination here — SET 1, SET 2, SET 3

Purloin (verb) : चुराना

Meaning: steal (something)

Synonyms: loot, pilfer

Antonyms: bestow, contribute

Reprobate (noun) : बदमाश

Meaning: an unprincipled person

Synonyms: rogue, scoundrel

Antonyms: upright, virtuous

Ardent (adjective) : उत्साही

Meaning: Characterized by strong enthusiasm

Synonyms: Passionate, enthusiastic

Antonyms: apathetic, dull

Abominate (verb) : घृणा करना

Meaning: to hate something very much

Synonyms: abhor, despise

Antonyms: admire, approve

Scalding (adjective) : धधकते हुए

Meaning: If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot

Synonyms: blazing, blistering

Antonyms: cold, cool

Breviary (noun) : प्रार्थना-संग्रह

Meaning: a short statement of the main points

Synonyms: summary, conspectus, encapsulation, outline

Antonyms: enlargement, expansion

Stodgy (adjective) : उदासीन

Meaning: Dull and uninspired; lacking originality or excitement

Synonyms: uninteresting, dreary

Antonyms: exciting, creative

Pummel (verb) : कूटना

Meaning: to defeat someone easily at a sport

Synonyms: bash, batter

Antonyms: compliment, fail

Dilatory (adjective) : धीमा

Meaning: slow to act

Synonyms: sluggish, slothful

Antonyms: fast, prompt

Conflate (verb) : मिलाना

Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one

Synonyms: amalgamate, converge

Antonyms: divide, separate

Revulsion (noun) : घृणा

Meaning: a dislike so strong as to cause stomach upset or queasiness

Synonyms: aversion, disgust

Antonyms: fondness, liking

Jeer (noun) : मज़ाक उड़ाना

Meaning: a rude and mocking remark

Synonyms: hoot, ridicule

Antonyms: compliment, praise

Precarious (adjective) : अनिश्चित

Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain

Synonyms: unsure, unpredictable

Antonyms: certain, confirmed

Rebuff - दुत्कारना

verb: reject in an abrupt or ungracious manner

synonyms: reject, turn down

Prudent - दूरदर्शी

adjective: acting with or showing care and thought for the future

Mettle - उत्साह

noun : a person's ability to cope well with difficulties

Destitute - बेसहारा

adjective : without any money, food or a home

Clout - ज़ोरदार प्रहार

noun : a hard hit, usually with the hand

Prejudice - पूर्वधारणा

noun: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience

synonyms: preconceived idea, preconception

Couth - सुसंस्कृत

adjective: cultured, refined, and well mannered

Importune - जिद करना

verb : harass someone persistently for or to do something

Exhort (verb) : समझाना

Meaning: Strongly encourage or urge to do something

Synonym: enjoin, adjure

Antonym: discourage

Vacillate (verb): घटना बढ़ना

Meaning: Waiver between different opinions or actions

Synonyms: temporize, hesitate

Antonyms: resolute

Oblige - मजबूर करना

verb : make someone bound to do something

Abominate (adjective) : घृणा

Meaning: to hate something very much

Synonyms: abhor, despise

Antonyms: love, like

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