English, asked by savitarawat210, 1 year ago

50 formed from emancipation


Answered by abcxyz12
hayy mate here your answer ✔️ ✔️

On the 1st December, 1934, it was a 100 years since the “abolition” of chattel slavery. The christian priests and missionaries called the people to church services on that day to pray and give thanks unto God for the “emancipation” of slaves. The newspapers and churches made quite a great deal of FUSS over this event, as if the descendants of slaves are so distinctly better off today.

Also, in January 1935, a pageant of magnificent dimensions is to be staged in order to celebrate the “EMANCIPATION OF SLAVES” in 1834. We deliberately put the “emancipation of slaves” in parenthesis, because, in face of the persistent increase of exploitation, oppression, and injustice suffered by the non-Europeans particularly to-day, to talk of “emancipation” is sheer hypocrisy. In order to expose this hypocrisy the COMMUNIST PARTY has published this pamphlet and has laid down in it as precise, enlightening ,and frank exposition as only a TRUE WORKER’s PARTY like the Communist Party is capable of. It is the aim of this pamphlet to show to the workers, particularly the non-Europeans, the slavery in one form — CHATTEL-SLAVERY — has been abolished, its place taken by another form — WAGE SLAVERY — and therefore not to rest content with that ,but to struggle for final emancipation from capitalist-imperialist oppression and exploitation.

Under chattel-slavery the slave was bought and sold and became the property of the buyer. Under the system of wage-slavery, to which workers of all races in all capitalist countries are subjected at present, the LABOUR or LABOUR POWER of the individual worker is bought, a wage is paid to the worker by the employer, and the employer only takes an interest in the welfare of his workers in so far as it helps him to make profits out of them.

Under chattel-slavery the slave was oppressed and exploited by the slave master and slave rebellions took place time and again led by the instinctive surge to freedom. The wage-slaves — workers of today — are exploited and oppressed by the capitalist employers. As under the system of wage-slavery, so under capitalist slavery, workers are constantly struggling for better conditions and for the ABOLISHMENT OF CAPITALIST SLAVERY in South Africa and in all capitalist countries. The struggles of the industrial workers and oppressed colonial peoples take on more and more a bitterly conscious fight against exploitation and imperialist slavery, for that OVERTHROW of this FINAL slave system of the government and for the establishment of a government led and controlled by the workers and all toilers.

This shows that the fight for freedom, economic, and political is yet to be continued. The abolition of slavery in 1834 has PAVED THE WAY FOR THE FINAL STRUGGLE AGAINST THE LAST FORM OF SLAVERY, CAPITALIST WAGE-SLAVERY. We will show in this pamphlet by comparing the present conditions of wage-slavery with the chattel-slavery of 100 years ago, that the Native, Coloured, white, and other toilers in South Africa have very little to be over-jubilant about. Each December 1st should NOT ONLY be a day to pray, celebrate and rejoice over the “emancipation” of chattel-slaves in 1834, but must be a day to review their forces for the struggle against the economic, political and social COLOUR BARS, exploitation and oppression. Present day conditions necessitates this struggle more than ever.

As the majority of Native, Coloured, and Indian toilers of S. Africa are still under the mistaken impression that their economic, political and social problems can be solved within the scope of the present capitalist-imperialist system of government, the Communist Party will make it clear in this pamphlet that it is only by overthrowing this system of government and by the setting up of and INDEPENDENT NATIVE REPUBLIC — WITH A WORKERS'AND PEASANTS'GOVERNMENT AT THE HEAD will the way further have been paved to economic, political ,and social freedom.

Up to hundred years ago, men, women, and children were sold by auction like cattle. Greedy adventurers from Europe in search for wealth did not hesitate in capturing men, women, and children from Mozambique, West Coast of Africa, India and the Far East to be sold like cattle to farmers and plantation owners in the Cape in the West Indies and other places. This “odious traffic in human souls” was of course a most profitable one.


❤️⭐I hope you mark as brainlist answer⭐❤️✨✨✨
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