Science, asked by Rajvardhan91, 1 year ago

50 points
Briefly explain phylum Annelida?


Answered by Satyamrajput

✍Your answer⬇⬇⬇⬇

⭐Phylum Annelida⤵

⏩The phylum Annelida includes metametrically segmented animals with a true coelom

⏩Annelids are triploblastic and bilaterally symmetrical animals with organ-system grade of organization. Annelids show true body segmentation: their bodies are divided into definite sections or segments. Annelids can control each segment separately and continue to add segments throughout life

⏩The body is covered by definite cuticle secreted from the ectoderm. Body wall has both longitudinal and circular muscles. These contracts alternately against the fluid-filled septate coelom during locomotion. Bristles of chaetae(or setae) present on the lower side of the body help grip the ground during locomotion

⏩Annelids have a true coelom(a fluid-filled body cavity) and a gut. The coelom is important for the transport of body fluids and discharge of gametes, and it also acts as a hydrostatic skelton

Hope it helps☑

#Be Brainly

Answered by abhaygoel71
Phylum Annelida is a part of animal kingdom.
It us made from word annelus meaning ring world.
their body is triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, elongated, cylindrical and soft.
exoskeleton is absent and body is covered by thin cuticle. body is coelomated.
They have well developed alimentary canal.
they have closed circulatory system.
locomotion is done with the help of chitinious projection called chaete or setae.
excretion is done by nephridia.
the nervous system have dorsal brain.
their exoskeleton is made up of protein and chitin.
most of them are aquatic -- marine or fresh water but some are terrestrial.
they reproduce sexually
examples are nereis, aphrodite, pheretima, etc.

Hope you are satisfied with my answer . if you need more information then you can ask for that.
if you are satisfied then mark my answer as brainliest.
Thank you.
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