Biology, asked by sekhar64, 10 months ago

51. For each glucose molecule that is broken down in glycolysis there is a net gain of:

(a) 1 ATP molecule (b) 2 ATP molecules

(c) 3 ATP molecules (d) 4 ATP molecules

52. During non-cyclic electron transport, photophospholyration occurs at:

(a) Two places (b) Three places

(c) One place (d) Four places

53. The number of ATP molecules required for fixation of a single N2 molecule is:

(a) 1 (b) 4

(c) 8 (d) 16

54. Closure of stomata in plants is induced by:

(a) IAA (b) ABA

(c) GA3 (d) Ethylene

55. In vernalization, the cold stimulus is perceived by:

(a) Laternal meristem (b) Apical meristem

(c) Intercalary meristem (d) Cork cambium

56. The pioneer in xerarch succession is the:

(a) Mossess (b) Crustose lichens

(c) Shurbs (d) Trees

57. In which kind of ecological interaction does one organism benefit while the other is neither

harmed nor helped?

(a) Parasitism (b) Commensalism

(c) Symbiosis (d) Mutualism

58. Reduction in number and degree of lignification of the tracheary elements is a common

adaptive feature of:

(a) Xerophytes (b) Hydrophytes

(c) Halophytes (d) Heliophytes​


Answered by ledgerian

51)(b) 2 ATP molecules

52)(a) Two places



55)(a) Laternal meristem

56)(b) Crustose lichens

57)(b) Commensalism

58)(b) Hydrophytes

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