53. Which of the following order is wrong. (a)NH,
Correct option (b) Li < Be < B < C - 1st IP
Explanation :
Li, Be, B, C - these elements belong to the same period. Generally the value of 1st ionisation potential increases in moving from left to right in a period, since the nuclear charge of the elements also increase in the same direction. But the ionisation potential of boron (B → 2s2 p1) is lower than that of beryllium (Be → 2s2), since in case of boron, 2p1 electron have to be removed to get B+ [B (2s2 p1) → B+ (2s2) + e-], while in case of Be, 2s2 electron have to be removed to get Be+ (2s1). p electron can be removed more easily than s electron so the energy required to remove electron will be less in case of boron.
D) Ionisation potiential increases on moving from left to right in a period.But first I.E of Be is more than B ; because Be has stable fully filled Valence orbital
Therefore the trend in I.E is ; C>Be>B>Li