6.022maltiply 10to the power 23
Number of mole nitrogen
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Answer: we know that
1 mole of atom equal to 6.022 into 10 to the power 23 atoms so 6.022 into 10 to the power 23 atoms equal to their 41 atoms equal to 1 by 6.022 into 10 to the power 23 moles therefore 3.011 into 10 to the power 23 atoms equal to 3.011 into 10 to the power 23 half of the 6.022 into 10 to the power 23 equals to one by two more than one mole of nitrogen equal to 14 gram therefore half mole of nitrogen equal to half into 14 grams is 7 gram so much of the nitrogen is 7 gram it is your
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