(a) Prove experimentally that tap water contains dissolved solid impurities.
(b) What is the importance of dissolved salts in water ?
(a) How will you prove that tap water contains dissolved gases ? Explain with a
suitable experiment.
a) ..tap water contains dissolved salt. Take a small quantity of tap water glass on a beaker filled with water when the watch glass is seen in light a number of concentric rings of solid matter are seen. These are deposited of deposits of dissolved salt left after evaporation of tap water.
b) Water contains dissolved salts which provide taste to water for drinking purposes. Also these salts are essential for growth and development of plants. These dissolved salts provide the essential minerals which are required for growth of body..
7 a)Heat flask by means of Bunsen burner. Bubbles of gas will be released from the water and travel into the test tube. Continue till boiling. About half a test tube full of gas will be collected in each case all of which has been displaced from solution by heating..
I hope it helps you