English, asked by TapasSinhaBabu, 8 months ago

6. After a futile year of many flights, he decided to remain
Walt and Madge succeeded in getting close to him. It
at the cottage. But even after that, a long time went by beton
victory, for they alone were allowed to touch him. If anyone
into a frightening snard. And snarling was all the sound he
tried, they were greeted with an angry grow] that would
No one had ever heard him bark even once.
with Wolf trailing behind they heard a crunching of heavy les
As Walt and Madge walked along the country road
A few minutes later, a man came into view around the tum
"I guess I ain't used much to the warm," he said
half apologetically. "I'm more accustomed to zero weather
10. You don't find any of that in this country, Walt laughed.
11, Should say not, the man answered. “An' I ain't here
12 -You're not her Klondiker brother," Madge cried, her eyes bring
18. Yes'm, that's me," he answered. "My name's Miller, Skill Milli
It was at this juncture that Wolf, who had been walking a little
away from them, nosing through the bushes, trotted into view.
7. Warm dav," Walt greeted him.
for it either. I'm trying to find my sister. Maybe you know w
"Take that little trail turning off to the right. It's the short cut
Skiff Miller saw the dog, and a look of great wonder came
and first smelled his hands, then licked them with his tongue.
the tota res them and son
and with. Soweto
futile: unsuccessful
trail: a path through
the countryside
ain't am not
zero weather. very cold
weather where
the temperature is at zero
degree or below
Klondiker: Klondike
is a region in north-
western Canada where
gold was discovered
in 1896 but exhausted by
1910. A Klondiker is an
inhabitant of the Klondike
at this juncture at this
particular point in time
trotted: walked
with quick steps
make up to: to be pleasant
end friendly
of the trail.
The man
paused and nodded.
AS Teaders, we realise that
the dog belongs to Skeifi
Miller. How does the writer
help us understand this?
(paras 19-23)
2. But just then the dog, squirming and rubbing agains
the newcomer's legs, opened his mouth and taket.
Walt and Madige stared at each other. The miracle
had happened. Wolf had barled.
It's the first time he ever barked. Nadge sait.
2. First time I ever heard him too." Miller addeti
with interest, "about whom we've heard so much
21. Madge smiled at him. The man was evidents a numuns
"Of course," she said. "since you have only seen tum mere
I just thought I'd surprise her."
to her house. You can't miss it."
15. "Yes, thank you, ma'am," he said.
ain't been on trait: in cold
places in the Northern
Hemisphere such as Alaska
and Northern Canada,
dogs like Wolf are used to
pull sleds along trails in
the snow. On examining
the underside of the dog's
forepaws and finding
that they were soft, Miller
knew that the dog had not
pulled a sled in a long time
squirming wriggling
from side to side
humourist a person
who often makes others
laugh with jokes and
amusing stories
mush-on stop
lead dog: the dog that
leads a sled team-
the lead dog generally
controls the speed
of the entire team of dogs
and also takes them
in the right direction
2. Stiff Miller looked at her sharply
21. "I thought you understood" he said slowly. I thoughovou
understood that he's my dog. His name ain't Wo Brown
30. How do you know he's your dog? Wali demanded
21. Because he is, was the reply
Skiff Miller turned to the dog Brown is nice range
sharply, and at the sound the dog's ears flatened on Geen
The dog made a swinging turn to the night
. Now musha
And the dog ceased his swing abrupts and stures straight ahe
halting obediently at the command.
- Skiff Miller smiled proudly. He was my lead tog
into his face.
up to the
5 the writer show
omething is about
here? (paras 17
"Well! Well!" He said slowly.
At the sound of his voice, Wolf's ears flattened down
and his mouth opened in a laugh. He trotted
up to
Madge was amazed. "We never saw Wolf make
a stranger before.”​


Answered by arunparjapti0001


this question is too long

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Answered by ajeetkumarsuman


After a futile year of many flights

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