History, asked by patilakshta494, 10 months ago

6. Beginning of Freedom Movement
English education made mixed effects
of western education, new ideas such as
on the Indian society. The seeds of Justice, Liberty, Equality, Democracy etc.
nationalism were sown by the reforms of were introduced to the Indians. Rationalism,
newly educated society. Due to various Scientific attitude, humanity, nationalism
movements in different parts of India a these principles were accepted by the
favourable situation was created to build Indians. Therefore there inculcated
a political organisation on an all India feeling that we are capable of carrying out
level which will bring together the various the work of the country and its progress
provincial political organisations, different is possible by following these principles.
groups of politically aware people and to India is a country of diverse languages but
express the aspiration of the nation by with the introduction of English language
diverting the public attention towards the India got a new medium of communication.
questions of the nation.
Study of Ancient Indian History :
Centralisation of administration
The “Asiatic Society
during British rule : Due to the British
administration, its implementation on India
Bengal by the British.
brought the nation under one roof in its
Many Indian and
true sense. Due to identical reforms all
western scholars started
over the country and equality before law,
study of Indian culture
the feeling of nationalism developed among
The manuscripts
the people. For the convenience of
Sanskrit. Persian and
administration and swift movement of the
other languages were
army the British built network of roads
examined and research
and railways. But these facilities benifited
Dr. Bhau Daji Lad
was published.
the Indians as well. People from different Dr.Bhau Daji Lad, Dr. R.G.Bhandarkar
parts of India came in contact of each these Indian scholars made intensive study
other, there was increase in communication of ancient Indian culture. After
and the feeling of nationalism grew up. understanding that we
Economic exploitation : The Indian
blessed with
wealth was flowing towards England by all glorious ancient
means. Due to the imperialist policy of tradition, the Indians
England there was beginning of economic were awakened with
exploitation of India. . Farmers were a sense of Identity.
compelled to take cash crops, burden of The Bhandarkar
land taxes, continuous famines all this Oriental Research
broke down the backbone of Indian Institute' is working
agriculture. Traditional industries declined since last 100 years in
which led to rise in unemployment. The Pune.
Capitalists exploited the worker class.
Contribution of Newspapers : Durin
Various new taxes were imposed on the
this period, English and Vernacul
niddle class. This led to growth of discontent
newspapers and periodicals came to
mong the people.
published. Through these newspaper
Western Education : Due to spread political and social awakening took pla


Answered by abhishekthakur378636


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Answered by sumandeepkaur199


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