English, asked by hinaa7071, 4 months ago

Change the voice :-

(iv) can
you speak English,

(w The Earth is known to be round.​


Answered by nimika61


(a) can u speak English

Could English be spoken by u

(b) The earth is know to be round

The earth is know to be round.(no change due to universal fact)

mark my answer brainliest

Answered by Aryan0123

Voice of a Sentence

  • In English Grammar, Voice describes the relationship between the Verb and the Subject.

Active Voice

  • If the Subject is the doer of an action, Then the Sentence is in 'Active Voice.'
  • Here verb is always in Simple Present, Simple Past of Simple Future.

Passive Voice

  • In the Subject is the target of an action, Then the sentence is in 'Passive Voice.'
  • Here Verb is always takes the Past Participle form.

Example -

1. Can you speak English?

  • It is an Active Voice sentence because the Subject 'You' is doing the action of 'Speaking English.'
  • Also its an Interrogative sentence.
  • Now, To convert this into Passive Voice, Subject should become the target of the action of 'Speaking English.'
  • Like this:

Is English spoken by you?

2. The Earth is known to be round.

  • Here 'known' is a Past Participle of the verb 'know.'
  • So, we can easily say that the above sentence is in Passive Voice.
  • Now, We have to make the verb dominant and the Subject - a target.
  • Like this -

Know that the Earth is round.

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