6. Class B has 50% more students than class A. Number of girls in class A is equal to number of
boys in class B. The percentage of girls is the same in both classes. What percentage of the
student group are boys?
1. 33.33%
2. 40%
4. 60%
- Class B has 50% more students than class A.
- No. of girl is class A = No. of boys in class B.
- Percentage of girls in class A = Percentage of girls in class B.
- The percentage of the boys student group.
➸ First scenario, class B has 50% more students than class A.
Let the total number of students in class A = 100.
Then the total number of students in class B = 100+50=150.
➸ Second scenario, number of girls in class A is equal to number of boys in class B.
Let x = number of girls in class A
Also, x = number of boys in class B
∴ 100 - x = number of boys in class B
And 150 - x = number of girls in class B
➸ Third scenario, percentage of girls in class A is similar to percentage of girls in class B.
⇒For class A, The proportion of girls to the total class members
= x / total no. of students
= x/100
⇒For class B, The proportion of girls to the total class members
= (150-x) / total no. of students
= (150-x)/150
• From the 3rd given scenario,
∴ x = Girls in class A = Boys in class B = 60
Boys in class A = 100 - no. of girls = 100-60 = 40 boys.
Total number of boys = 60 + 40 = 100
Total population = 100 + 150 = 250
☛ So the percentage of boys: