6. Convert the following numbers to logarithmic notation:
(1) 64 = 8²
(111) 41 = 2
(ii) 22344 = 143
(iv) 10% = 100
7. Convert the following numbers to scientific notation:
(1) log, 27 = 3
(iii) log, 81 = 2
(ii) log, 64 = 6
(iv) log, 1000 = 3
8. Find the value of x in the following:
(1) log, 4096 = x
(ii) log, 6561 = 4
(iii) log, x = 6
(iv) log. 9261 = 3
(v) log, 2187 = 2
(vi) log, x = 4
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(111) 41 = 2 (ii) 22344 = 143 ( iv) 10% = 100 7. Convert the following numbers to scientific notation: (1) log, 27 = 3 (iii ) log, 81 = 2 (ii) log, 64 = 6 (iv) log, 1000 = 3 8.
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