6 differences between latitude and longitude
Latitude Longitude
Direction East-west, parallel to the equator North-south; converging at the poles and widest at the equator
Parallel lines Yes No
Range 0 to 90° North and South 0 to 180° East and West
Denoted by Greek letter phi (Φ) Greek letter lambda (λ)
Hemisphere All locations along a common latitude fall in the same hemisphere of the earth (northern or southern) Locations along a common longitude may be in different hemispheres.
Denotes distance from equator (north or south) Prime Meridian (east or west)
Time zone Locations that share the same latitude do not necessarily fall into the same time zone All locations on the same longitude fall in the same time zone
Number of lines 180 360
Notable lines Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn Greenwich Meridian
Applications Classifying temperature zones Classifying time zones
Latitude - Horizontal ; Longitude - Vertical
Our Earth is marked according to these two imaginary lines - Latitude and Longitude
If you see:
Latitude is checked with respect to our equator which has 0 degree latitude
Longitude on the other hand is checked with Internation Date Line - present at Greenwich - which is both 0 degree and 180 degree longitude
Latitude is measured vertically i.e. How much angular distance from Equator - North and South e.g Tropic of Cancer is 23.5 degree North and Tropic of Capricorn is 23.5 degree South
Longitude is calculated w.r.t. International date line and checked with its distance in degrees - with each degree having 4 minutes value. Hence concept of East of IST and west of IST has been coined.
Latitude is not used to measure difference in time between two countries as its degrees just show the location.
Longitudinal values on the other hand is used to measure time. That's why we say Sun rises early in East (due to our Earth's rotation from West to East). Hence time in East is ahead of time in West.
When we mark a location on our maps - we write Latitude first and then its Longitude.
Countries don't have different latitude zones - but big countries like Russia, US etc. have different longitudinal zones (time zones) for their specific country. In India, we have just one time zone which is known as Standard Meridian - which passes through Meerut.
Latitude as a whole are divided into four zones - Artic Circle (66.5 degree N) Tropic of Cancer(23.5 degree N), Equator (0 degree), Tropic of Capricorn(23.5 degree S), Antarctic Circle(66.5 degree S)
I hope it answers your question :)
Calm & Toofani