6. Explain the social, ethical and legal aspedi of Marketing?
Explanation:Marketing is the study of communication between the buyer and the seller. It is how the seller keeps the buyer happy and motivates it to buy their product.
(i)Social Aspect of Marketing: Social aspect of marketing is referred as the welfare of the overall society with the marketing. It must not only focus on personal profit and consumer need but also the welfare of the society. It must focus on the values and norms of the society as well.
(ii)Ethical Aspect of Marketing: Ethical aspect of marketing is keeping in view the ethical values of the consumer and the society. The seller, must know what ethical values his market has and their product must not violate their ethical needs. For example, cow meat should not be marketed in Hindu dominating areas etc.
(iii)Legal Aspect of Marketing: Legal aspect of marketing is the obligation to follow the rules and regulations of the market in question. The seller must know the legal requirements of their market. For example, narcotics should not be sold in India.