Hindi, asked by palmithlesh304, 3 months ago

fi) break
1. Translate the following into English:
प्राचीन काल में विक्रमादित्य नाम का राजा इस देश में राज्य करता था। वह बड़ा न्यायी राजा था। आज
भी लोग उसके न्याय की प्रशंसा करते हैं। एक दिन कुछ लड़के एक गांव के निकट एक जंगल में खेल रहे
थे। वहाँ उन्होंने एक मिट्टी का ढेर देखा जो पत्थर से ढका था। उनमें से एक लड़का पत्थर पर बैठ गया।
उसने साथियों से कहा, “मित्रो, अब मैं विक्रमादित्य हो गया हूँ। तुम लोग अपने मुकदमे मेरे पास ले आओ।
मैं न्याय करूंगा।” उसके निर्णय की चर्चा दूर-दूर तक फैली। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति उस लड़के के न्याय से सन्तुष्ट
होता था। जब वह मिट्टी का ढेर खोदा गया तो लोगों को मालूम हुआ कि सचमुच वह राजा विक्रमादित्य
के बैठने का स्थान था।​


Answered by pinky271079


in ancient time king named vikramaditya ruled a country . he was very great king . today people also praised his justice . one day some boy's are playing in a forest near the village . they saw a earthen heap covered with stones . one boy sits on these stones . they tell to their friends that , " friends now I am vikramaditya . now you bring your cases to me . " i will give you justice . discussion of his discision spread to far . everybody is satisfied with that boy's justice . when that boy is digging the sand he found that they was really the place where vikramaditya was sitting

Answered by franktheruler

The given passage is translated into English as follows.

  • A king named Vikramaditya ruled this country in ancient times.
  • He was a great judge.
  • Even today people admire his justice.
  • One day near the village, some boys were playing in a forest .
  • They saw a pile of mud there which was covered with stone, One of the boys sat on the stone.
  • He told his friends that he had become Vikramaditya then and they bring their cases to him and he will do justice.
  • The talk of his decision spread far away.
  • With his justice, everyone was used to being satisfied.
  • People came to know that it was king Vikramaditya's place to sit, when that earthen heap was excavated,
  • A few things to remember while translating from Hindi to English
  • Care should be taken that the tense of the sentence should not be changed.
  • In Hindi for translating a word " है "

word to English , a word " is " used

for singular and for plural , word "

are " is used

  • For past tense , a word " was " for singular and " were " for plural is used instead of "था " in Hindi.


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