6. How did we decide that inclusion of certain foods in certain quantities is a balanced diet?
The World Health Organization (WHO) note that essential nutrients are crucial in supporting a person’s reproduction, good health, and growth. The WHO divide these essential nutrients into two categories: micronutrients and macronutrients.The six essential nutrients are vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates.Vitamins are micronutrients that offer a range of health benefits, including:
boosting the immune system
helping prevent or delay certain cancers, such as prostate cancer
strengthening teeth and bones
aiding calcium absorption
maintaining healthy skin
helping the body metabolize proteins and carbs
supporting healthy blood
aiding brain and nervous system functioningFat soluble vitamins are:
vitamin A
vitamin D
vitamin E
vitamin K
Water soluble vitamins are:
vitamin B-1 (thiamine)
vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin)
vitamin B-6
vitamin B-2 (riboflavin)
vitamin B-5 (pantothenic acid)
vitamin B-3 (niacin)
vitamin B-9 (folate, folic acid)
vitamin B-7 (biotin)
vitamin C