Math, asked by rakshithabh59, 2 months ago

6 math students and 14 biology students are having dinner. To prepare said dinner, they need to choose 3 people to set the table, 2
people to make coffee, and 6 people to cook dinner. Each person can only do one task.
a) In how many different ways can they choose which students perform these tasks?
b) if they only give coffee to 10 of the 20 students, what is the probability that they only give coffee to biology students?
c) If they only give coffee to 10 of 20 students, what is the probability that they give coffee to 9 biology students and 1 math


Answered by jaanvigarg16790


problem. 40 hey is equal to day shift zero worked with 20 swing shook the open toe 15 green. Your should is equal to turn, so total is equal to 45. Question or six from daily shift is equal toe. 20 C six, which is equal to 38. 7 60 Will quit. Shouldn't be the probability that all six from the same shift is equal. Toe. 20 c six plus 15 seed six plus 10 c six over 45 C six which is equal to four point away. Five 39 Question See is asking about the probability that, at least from two different shifts which is equal toe one minus the probability that on Lee from one shift which is equal toe one minus 20 c six plus 15 c six lost 10 c six over 45 c six, which is already calculated previously. So the answer is equal toe one minus 4.4 or 539 which is equal toe 4.9946 So lit a B is equal toe the day the probability off days shift unrepresented cleaning in equal toe swing shift un presented or is equal toe the grave, Your shift on prison. So the probability all be union role is equal toe born selected from grave yours The probability will be intersect or is equal to all selected from swing shift. No probability oh, rule intersect or is equal to all selected from being shift The probability that all three events occurs So roll intersect or intersect B is equal to with you the probability that be union rule union or is equal to probability off B plus probability off rule plus probability off or minus probability off be intersect Rule minus probability off. Be intercept or minus probability that raw intersect or plus the probability on she intersect or intercept rule, which is equal to zero. So this is equal toe 35 c six Lost. 30 c six plus 25 c six minus 10 c six minus 15 c six, minus toe Worry C six over 45 c. Six. So the final answer for that will be equal to all point to 88 Fine. And these combinations are corresponding. Toe these probabilities according toe this interpretation and t

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