English, asked by samchauhan1996, 7 months ago

6. Translate the following passage into English: :
कुछ दशकों पहले तक कोई प्रदूषण की समस्या को गंभीरता
से नहीं लेता था। प्रकृति से संसाधनों को प्राप्त करना मनुष्य के लिए
सामान्य बात थी। उस समय बहुत कम लोग ही यह सोच सके कि
संसाधनों का अंधाधुंध उपयोग हानि भी पहुंचा सकता है। हम जितना
भी प्रकृति से लेते, प्रकृति उतने संसाधन दोबारा पैदा कर देती। ऐसा
लगता था जैसे प्रकृति का भंडार असीमित है, कभी खत्म ही नहीं होगा।
लेकिन जैसे-जैसे जनसंख्या बढ़ने लगी, प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का दोहन बढ़ता
गया। वनों को काटा गया, अयस्कों के लिए जमीनों को खोदा गया।
मशीनों ने इस काम में और तेजी ला दी। औद्योगिक क्रांति का प्रभाव
लोगों को पर्यावरण पर दिखने लगा। जंगल खत्म होने लगे। उसके
बदले बड़ी-बड़ी इमारतें, कल-कारखाने खुलने लगे। इससे प्रदूषण की
समस्या हमारे सर पर आकर खड़ी हो गई।​


Answered by shivam2917


Until a few decades ago no one took the pollution problem seriously. It was normal for humans to get resources from nature. At that time, very few people could think that indiscriminate use of resources can also cause harm. As much as we even taking from nature, nature would regenerate that much resource. It seemed as if the reserves of nature are unlimited, will never end. But as the population started growing, the exploitation of natural resources grew Gone. Forests were cut, lands were dug for ores. Machines accelerated this work. The impact of the industrial revolution began to appear on the environment to the people. The forests started to wane. Instead, big buildings, factories began to open. Due to this, the problem of pollution came on our head.


Hope this helps you

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Answered by nishakumari07751


In ancient times no one can takes pollution very seriously.

To get the natural resources from the nature is eassy for humans.

That times few people know about the harms of exploitation of natural resources.

we have taken things from the nature it makes the things again.

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