Computer Science, asked by CapAllan5095, 11 months ago

6. We want to calculate the total marks of each student of a class in Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics and the average marks of the class. The number of students in the class are entered by the user. Create a class named Marks with data members for roll number, name and marks. Create three other classes inheriting the Marks class, namely Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, which are used to define marks in individual subject of each student. Roll number of each student will be generated automatically.


Answered by prudhvikaja9


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

class Marks {


int rollNumber;

char *name;

int *marks; // array of marks

int num_marks; // number of the marks

void GenerateMarks(int num) { // fills the array with marks

 num_marks = num;

 marks = new int[num];

 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)

  marks[i] = rand() % 5 + 1;


int sum_of_marks() {

 int sum = 0;

 for (int i = 0; i < num_marks; i++)

  sum += marks[i];

 return sum;


double avarage() {

 return round(((double)sum_of_marks() / num_marks) * 100) / 100;


void set_marks(int number_of_marks, int newmarks) { // change mark with number number_of_marks

 marks[number_of_marks] = newmarks;


int get_marks(int number_of_marks) {

 return marks[number_of_marks];


void set_num_marks(int num) {

 num_marks = num;



 marks = new int[num];


~Marks() {




class Physics : public Marks {



class Chemistry : public Marks {



class Mathematics : public Marks {



int main()


int num;

cout << "Enter the number of students ";

cin >> num;

Physics *cl1_phys = new Physics[num]; // array of student with marks in physics

Chemistry *cl1_chem = new Chemistry[num]; // array of student with marks in chemistry

Mathematics *cl1_math = new Mathematics[num]; // array of student with marks in mathematics

for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // Generate marks and roll numbers

 cl1_phys[i].rollNumber = cl1_chem[i].rollNumber = cl1_math[i].rollNumber = i + 1;





cout << "\nThe total marks of each student of a class in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics: \n\n";

for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // sums of marks

 cout << "Roll number of student is " << cl1_phys[i].rollNumber << endl;

 cout << "The total marks in Physics is " << cl1_phys[i].sum_of_marks() << endl;

 cout << "The total marks in Chemistry is " << cl1_chem[i].sum_of_marks() << endl;

 cout << "The total marks in Mathematics is " << cl1_math[i].sum_of_marks() << endl;

 cout << endl;


cout << endl << "--------------------------" << endl;

cout << "\nThe average marks : \n\n";

for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { // averages of marks

 cout << "Roll number of student is " << cl1_phys[i].rollNumber << endl;

 cout << "The average mark in Physics is " << cl1_phys[i].avarage() << endl;

 cout << "The average mark in Chemistry is " << cl1_chem[i].avarage() << endl;

 cout << "The average mark in Mathematics is " << cl1_math[i].avarage() << endl;

 cout << endl;


return 0;



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