Science, asked by udayrajchavan67, 9 months ago

6. Which bacteria is used for the production of wine and some types of bread? *

1 point

A. Rhizobia

C. Clostridium

B. Blue green algae

D. Lactobacilli


Answered by patelhitesh2377


lactobacilli is the bacteria

Answered by anasakeenaraaiya1982


Used to make bread. Yeast is a single-celled fungus. It is able to ferment sugar, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide in the process. It has long been used to make beer and wine as well as bread (the carbon dioxide causes the dough to rise).


Wine is made from grapes or other fruit. The grapes are first cleaned of leaves and stems and the fruit is crushed into must that is ready for fermentation. The yeasts used for the fermentation grow a film on the fruit or in the environment. These wild strains play an important role in the final properties of the drink. However, cultivated strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are often added to improve the consistency of the final product. There are hundreds of commercially available yeast 

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