Computer Science, asked by fr520068, 5 months ago

6. Write a program that calculates and prints the take-home pay for a commissioned sales employee.
Perform a compile-time initialization and store the name of Joshua Montain in a variable called employee Name. For
practice working with the decimal data type, declare all monetary values as decimal. Employees earn 7% of their total
sales as a commission. Employees pay federal tax rate of 18%. All employees contribute 10% of their earnings to a
retirement program and pay an additional 6% of their earnings to Social Security. If Joshua’s sales this month were
$161,432, how much money will he take home? Produce a formatted report with your values labeled and number
aligned showing the amount for each of the computed items and the sales commission percentage rate. Also, show the

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total deductions. The final take home pay and total sales figure used for the calculations should be formatted with
currency. All other values should have comma separators, no dollar sign, and display two positions to the right of the
decimal. Select appropriate constants. After you finish displaying Joshua’s data, change his sales to 1.3 million and
rerun the application. Also, Write Pseudo Code/Algorithm and Draw Flow Chart for This Problem.


Answered by gabriel4444460




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