Physics, asked by Ponuda, 1 year ago

60 joule of work is done in moving a charge from 250 volt to 280 volt calculate magnitude of charge


Answered by Ppalvi

24 joule work is done in moving a charge of 6c between two points. Calculate potential difference between this two points.

24 joule work is done in moving a charge of 6c between two points. Calculate potential difference between this two points.

One volt is the potential difference between two points if 1 joule of energy is needed to move _____ coulomb of charge between the two points.

If 6.40 x 10^-19 joule of work is required to move a proton between two points A and B in an electric field, what is the potential difference between points A and B? Given: W = 6.40 x 10^-19

An electric force moves a charge of +1.40 x 10^-4 C from point A to point B and performs 4.70 x 10^-3 J of work on the charge. (a) What is the difference (EPEA - EPEB) between the electric potential energies of the charge at the two points? ____________J (b) Determine the ...

When a charge of -4 x 10 to the minus 3 coulombs is moved between two points in an electric field, 0.8 joules of work are done on the charge. The potential difference between the two points is 300 V.

physics electricity
An electric force moves a charge of +1.65 multiplied by 10-4 C from point A to point B and performs 6.40 multiplied by 10-3 J of work on the charge. (a) What is the difference (EPEA - EPEB) between the electric potential energies of the charge at the two points? (b) Determine ...

Physics-Ohms Law
Will you check my answers please? A volt is a unit of current and an amprere is a unit of current. It is common to call electric potential difference- voltage A current of 1 ampere is a flow of charge at the rate of 1 coulomb per second. When a charge of 15 C flows through any...

A charge +4 micro colombs is transferred in a uniform electric field of 200N/C between two points separated by a distance of 20cm. calculate the potential difference between the two points ?

physics - please hellp
I need help with two questions: 1) An object can only have a charge that is an integral multiple of the charge on the ___. Am I correct with "electron" as the answer? or possibly elementary charge? 2) The difference in potential between any two points in a field is the ___ ...
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