Physics, asked by pandeyrani633, 11 months ago

Take four springs, two of the same length and the remaining two of the same and radius. Make
arangements for measurement, a laboratory stand with clamp, a hanger, a metre scale and a
weight box with a set of varying weights.
Support the spring, one at a time vertically from the laboratory same. Add a musle weight at the
bottom of the honger. Measure the extent on the metre scale attached to the spring. Take 6-7
readings by gradually increasing the weight on the hanger.
In each spring, draw a graph between the load suspended from the hanger at the exterior of the
spring. Write your results in the form of a table and properly interpret them. This project has
application in spring balance.
(See Lesson 8)
Session 2019-20 Physics​


Answered by skahi2005



A spring scale or spring balance or newton meter is a type of weighing scale. It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the force needed to extend a spring is proportional to the distance that spring is extended from its rest position. Therefore, the scalemarkings on the spring balance are equally spaced.If the spring balance is hung from a fixed point, the necessary force is transmitted through the spring balance. When a stretching force of 10N is measured on a spring balance, the same stretching force is applied to opposite ends at the same time. The reading is 10N. A spring balance is lying on a table

A spring scale measures weight or force when an object is hung from its hook. ... This one has a dual scale that reads 0-1000 g in 10 g increments and 0-10 Newtons in 0.1 Newton increment.

It consists of spring fixed at one end with a hook to attach an object at the other. It works by Hooke's Law, which states that the force needed to extend a spring is proportional to the distance that spring is extended from its rest position. Therefore, the scale markings on the spring balance are equally spaced.

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