62. Mandar was born on 7th July 2007 Saturday. Which day will it be on his
second birthday ?
(1) Monday
(2) Tuesday
(3) Wednesday (4) Thursday
His second birthday will be on Tuesday.
Mandar was born on 2nd July which was a Saturday.
- A year has 365 days = 52 weeks + 1 day
- A leap year has 366 days = 52 weeks + 2 days
- This means a persons birthday will come 52 weeks 1 day later if its a normal year and 52 weeks and 2 days later if its a leap year.
- 7th July 2007 was a Saturday. Next 7th July 2008 will come after 52 weeks and 2 days as 2008 is a leap year.
- so his first birthday will be on monday.
- His next birthday will come after 52 weeks and 1 day.
- This means his second birthday will come on a tuesday.
Mandar was born on 7th July 2007, which is a Saturday.
To Find:
The day which his second birthday fall on.
A year has 365 days.
⇒ 365 days is 52 weeks and 1 day
⇒ The same date will moved by a day each year.
For example,
7th July 2007 is on Saturday this year
⇒ will be on Sunday next year
⇒ will be on Monday the following year.
However, we also need to take care of leap year.
A leap year has 366 days
⇒ 366 days is 52 weeks and 2 day
⇒ The same date will moved by 2 days that year.
7th July 2007 → Saturday.
Find the day that his birthday will fall on his first birthday:
His first birthday is in 2008
⇒ 2008 is a leap year
⇒ So it will moved by 2 days
7th July 2007 → Saturday.
7th July 2008 → Saturday + 2 days
7th July 2008 → Monday
Find the day that his birthday will fall on his second birthday:
His second birthday is in 2009
⇒ 2009 is not a leap year
⇒ So it will moved by 1 day
7th July 2008 → Monday
7th July 2009 → Monday + 1 day
7th July 2009 → Tuesday
Answer: (2) Tuesday