(67,34) output math min
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- 34
About Math.min()
- Math.min(a,b)- Returns minimum value between two parameters. Return data type: Depends on the data type of the parameters.
More about Math Functions:-
- Math.ceil(a) - Rounds the number upto next higher integer. Return data type: Double
- Math.floor(a) - Rounds the number upto next lower integer. Return data type: Double.
- Math.max(a,b)- Returns the maximum value between two parameters. Return data type: Depends on the data type of the parameters.
- Math.cbrt(a)- Returns cube root. Return data type: Double.
- Math.sqrt(a)- Returns square root. Return data type: Double.
- Math.log(a)- Returns natural logarithmic value of a given argument. Return data type: Double.
- Math.round(a)- Returns the number rounded to the nearest integer. (For more info: Please check the Knowledge box given at last.)
- Math.rint(a)- Returns the nearest integer of a given number. Return data type: double
- Math.exp(a)- Returns exponential value of a given argument. Return data type: double
- Math.random()- There are no argument in this function and it returns random number between 0 and 1. Return data type: double
- Math.PI - Returns the value of pi(π). Return Data type:- Double.
Knowledge Box...!
- It is necessary to know that round() and rint() are not same.
- Math.round() returns number in int data type while Math.rint() returns number in double data type.
- Another Difference... Let's take -9.5 as a parameter Math.round(-9.5) will return -9 while Math.rint(-9.5) returns -10.0
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