English, asked by ben6934, 9 months ago

write it along with its alphabet.
1. All eyes turned in that direction. The figure of speech in the line is
A) Personification B) Metaphor C) Synecdoche
D) Alliteration
2."......... .. with your work. You need not stand", said the visiting minister to his staff.
The correct phrasal verb to be filled in the blank is
A) Carry away: B) Carry out . C) Carry on
D) Carry off
3. He was suspected................ having stolen the book.
The appropriate preposition to be filled in the blank is
A to : B) for
C) of
D) with
4. That's the right answer, ..
-A) doesn't it? B) isn't it?
The question tag to be added is
C) is it? ' D) wasn't it?
5. The word in which 'mis' is a part of the word but not a prefix is
A) misjudge B) mistake
C) nisdeed
D) miscalculate
6. I have been trying to learn to play the guitar for so many years, but I................. yet.
The appropriate verb forms to be filled in the blank is
- A) did not succeed
B) will not succeed
C) have not succeeded
D) had not succeeded !
11. Observe the relationship in the first pair of words and complete the second pair
accordingly in the following:
7. develop: development:: prefer : .......
8. tale : tail :: antic:..
9. violent:non violent :: modest:
10. scraped : removed :: bewilder : ...............


Answered by smyan92
1 a- personification
2c-carry on
3b- for
4b- isn’t it?
6a-did not succeed
I don’t know 7,8,9,10,11
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